The emerging ‘Open House’ technique

Ararat CoP

I have been grappling with the idea of creating ‘rich pictures’ that enable people learn about complex topics, and have at last realised the obvious – that complex topics are not learned in a linear way. Another reason for not doing a power point. Creating a workshop version of the Open House CE tool enables a rich picture learning environment. I have now tested this in a couple of situations, including the Ararat CE Community of Practice and am really looking forward to having the chance to do more.

Geelong,Mildura,Melbourne,Brisbane and more…….

Lots of courses

I feel I have now refined the one day course to a high level. I really enjoy delivering it; each group is different but the structure is solid. I view it as a piece of interactive performance – a dance between myself and the participants and between the participants. My role is to create the framework for the participants relate to each other.

The Virtual Centre

The application I’d like to see

Working in a team whose members are spread across the State gets one to wanting to explore ways to meet other than face to face. Teleconferences with Sametime or VNC make a huge difference, but it is still a long way from emulating a well run decision making process. After a bit of investigating, I decided that there was nothing out there that really gives me what I wanted. So here is the brief for the web based application I would like someone to make.  See the seven minute movie below.

More CE trainers on the loose

Community Engagement Trainers

A principle strategy to cope with demand for the 2 day ‘fundamentals of community engagement planning’ course has been to train other public servants to deliver the course. This last week we ran the one day CE trainers course to a wide range of agency staff, including Victoria Police, VicRoads, EPA, DPCD, Greening Australia, Rural Ambulance, City of Greater Bendigo. We look forward to their proliferation.

One Day Community Engagement Course

Totally Engaged

In collaboration with Urban Planner and consultant, Steven Sagona, we have developed a one day variation of the Community Engagement Planning for Project Managers course. We successfully trailed the course at the Metropole Hotel  on Thursday 27 March with 20 participants. Feedback was good, though I think the 2 day is more fun to deliver.